Personal coaching
The only way out is in
We have all developed strategies to protect and circumvent our vulnerabilities, but we are not always equally aware of them. 'The only way out is in' is an invitation to look inside yourself at the reasons for this protection and listen to the pain there.
It is the only way to get rid of the protective mechanisms, blockages and limiting beliefs you display on the outside. And that's a good idea, because those automatic behaviours and patterns often make life harder, for yourself and for others, no matter how well-intentioned they are.
Everyone deserves to live from abundance, self-love and self-confidence and discover their true purpose. I would love to help you embark on this adventure and learn to regulate yourself. Below you can read about the ways we can work together. Also with career vouchers!
Personal leadership and self-direction through Voice Dialogue
One of the methods for living more consciously and taking control of your actions is Voice Dialogue. We enter into conversation with the sometimes conflicting voices within yourself. This gives you more insight into how you really are and you learn to tap into other, hidden energies in yourself.
The result is a healthy balance and more freedom of choice in your reactions and behaviour. In a Voice Dialogue session, you learn to listen to these voices from a neutral position, without judgement. You literally give a physical place to a side in yourself and discover what his or her qualities are, how this subperson came into being in your life and in what way he/she protects your vulnerability. Then, by also addressing the opposite energy in yourself, more balance is created in your inner system.
Type coaching: online or live
Duration of the session: 1,5 h
Price per session: 120 euro + VAT
Location: Online via Zoom, at my place or in a space safe in Belgium
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