Sociocratie 3.0 Meetup on energy

Visual Meetup Energy June.png

S3 Meetup on Energy

On the 3rd of June 21 we organised an online Sociocracy 3.0 Meetup after half a year of silence. We called it the Energy Meetup because we wanted to exchange and experiment what gives and takes energy in the new world we woke in.

Our Calling Question

How to merge the benefits of online and real life interaction, experience new ways to get energized and celebrate human connection?

Our Driver


What's happening: Since over one year ago corona-crisis impacted our lives. Both our private life - the way we meet & connect with our families and friends-, as the way we work -online or not- has drastically changed.
What's the effect: In one way or the other, everyone is impacted; and the longer it lasts, the more we observe signals around us that motivation and energy levels are going down and more and more people are disconnected.
What's needed: We feel a need to merge the benefits of online and real life interaction and experience new ways to get energized.
What's the impact: So that we consciously celebrate connection and community, human connection and being together.

Set up

In order to evaluate some lovely experiments, we lightly facilitated people to meet up with each other, in real life if possible or online, and find ways to energise yourselves before the actual S3 Meetup took place. We used this document for it: It was an invitation to meet new people and try out new stuff. And… an exercise in self-organisation and Artful Participation! During the Meetup we shared what happened (or not) in an Open Space format.

So how did it go?

One thing that definitely gives energy, also through the screen, is real human interaction with peers. We learned some faceyoga and compared a bodywork exercise both in real life and online (see my other post about this) and enjoyed being together. Tine Willemyns put it al together brilliantly in the visual below.

#s3meetup #energy #hybridworld

Harvest S3 Meetup 3 June 21 by Tine Willemyns.png
Dette van Zeeland